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Mother Baby Bonding

about us

Our Founder


Comfort O, RN, BSN

Golden Streams was created by our founder Comfort, she is a wife and a mother of two. After having her first baby, Comfort struggled with producing breast milk and couldn’t keep up with her baby’s feeding demand. She tried many lactation cookies, brownies and drinks, but they only worked for a while or didn’t at all.

  Every solution she came across was too expensive and didn’t give her the results she desired. Finally, she started experimenting in the kitchen with natural ingredients, eventually finding the perfect combination. While using the magic smoothie drink she created, Comfort was able to increase her breast milk supply by double and only needed to drink Golden Streams for 2 weeks. After 3 months of struggling with milk production, Comfort was able to store 1 year of milk supply within 6 months.

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